Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome to the Red Bunny Kitchen!

In the beginning, there was a kitchen. A small, utilitarian kitchen with basic appliances and ugly tile counters. But this is my kitchen and I have filled it with love, pasta, and heaps of cookies. And many, many seemingly useless devices that only someone culinarily-inclined would ever know what to do with. With these utensils and perhaps a slightly masochistic desire, my culinary adventures have reached beyond simple (but delightfully delicious) chocolate chip cookies to mastering the recipes my Grandma made simply by memory. (She rarely wrote anything down, and if she did, I'm not sure it was entirely correct) However, this is not enough. I pick up cookbooks written by master chefs and think "hey, I could do that! Now where do I find xanthan gum and methyl cellulose?"

This is my excitement, my passion, and my release for all things stressful. Through the magic of the interwebs, I bring to you all the tasty treasures I've discovered so your life may be enriched as mine has. Nothing beats the smile of someone eating something delectable from your kitchen. Nothing beats the moment of realizing "that's good."

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent! More wonderful writing please . . . and bring over some of that ice cream . . .
